Avisos Junta

by Junta de Andalucía



Notices Board is a new communication channel with the Andalusian citizens.Notices Board can replace the usual reception of SMS messages sent in all kinds of notices by the bodies of the Government of Andalusia, for reception by this new application.Using Board Notices citizens can receive it all notices and warnings that previously received by SMS, completely identifying the sender of each message, keeping them ordered, and enabling better management of them.Among the new features of these messages are: - Media files (images, videos, PDF, etc). - Calendar appointments, allowing add to their agenda. - Location. - Receiving messages according to the users position. - Ability to respond to some messages sent by the Junta de Andalucía. - Managing subscriptions.It is important to note that this application does not interfere with the normal operation of the phone, or replace the normal pattern of receiving SMS messages in it. SMS are only sending the Andalusian own citizens to be received by the messages in this application, much clearer, efficient and orderly manner.If you currently receive some warning by SMS from any agency of the Government of Andalusia, this application allows you to improve your user experience on receipt of these notices.If you are not subscribed to any SMS service from any entity of the Andalusian notices, you will not receive any notice through Notices Board. You can subscribe to different service announcements available to them the various entities of the Government of Andalusia on the websites of the various entities or through the way they are established. You can also check the sources of ads available through APP own Board Notices, Part Configuration / Information Sources, where each entity of the Government of Andalusia will publish its sources of warnings.The user can activate the device location (default is disabled) for the last location of it 3 times a day is stored, in order to be able to send notices regarding the location, as is contained in the Terms of Use .For any problem encountered with the operation of the application, you can contact our support address: You [email protected] can find more information at: http://juntadeandalucia.es/organismos/economiainnovacioncienciayempleo/areas/tic-telecomunicaciones/serv-corporativos/paginas/avisos-junta.html